David L. Moody, Ph.D. | Faculty

Assistant Professor of Communication

1 (440) 375-7178


Arts Education Humanities and Social Sciences

James F. Lincoln Library Location

Second Floor


PhD in American Culture Studies from Bowling Green State University; M.A., in Radio-Television Management from Ohio University; B.F.A., in Broadcasting University of Cincinnati

Teaching Background

David Moody最近是位于奥斯威戈的纽约州立大学的客座助理教授,他在那里给学生们提供建议, taught several face-to-face and online courses, 还担任过几个学生组织的指导老师. 作为一名教育工作者,他过去的职责包括监督和指导学生实习生和各种学术项目活动和学生组织的志愿者.

Additionally, Dr. 穆迪已经发展并协调了几个学术倡议,如多样性之声(一个旨在提高人们对媒体行业中少数民族缺乏代表性和被歪曲的认识的项目)和博士. Lewis B. O 'Donnell媒体峰会是一个为期一天的活动,让学生有机会与广播行业的一些顶级人物建立联系.

He received his Ph.D. 曾著有两本书:《365网站》(2016)和《英国365网站》(2012),由列克星敦图书公司(Rowman and Littlefield的子公司)出版。.

Of joining Lake Erie College, Dr. 穆迪表示:“我期待着与伊利湖学院的教职员工合作,努力促进一种促进师徒关系的文化,并鼓励学生在课堂内外探索的机会.”

Additional Background

戴夫·穆迪在广播、戏剧和电影领域工作了四十多年. Dr. 穆迪在WREO AM开始了他的专业广播生涯 & FM in Ashtabula (summers of 1977-1978); WUBE-FM Cincinnati (1979-1980); WKSW FM Cleveland (1981-1982); WERE 1300AM Cleveland (1983-1986); and WOIO TV & WUAB TV in Cleveland (1986-1999). 此外,他是DM Communications, Inc .的总裁/所有者. (a media buying/consulting agency) from 1999-2010. 他的广播事业(包括在广播和电视的管理工作)始于1976年. In 1990, 他成为第二位被俄亥俄州克利夫兰市电视台聘为当地销售经理的美国黑人,克利夫兰市当时在全国排名(dma指定的市场区域)第14位. 作为一名经理,他的主要职责包括管理一个年销售额为1000万美元的当地销售部门. In addition, he was responsible for recruiting, coaching, and mentoring the sales team; creating agendas for weekly meetings; and preparing monthly and annual budgets. 他还管理着一个由九名全职销售人员组成的销售团队, one part-time salesperson, and a local sales assistant. Dr. 穆迪继续从事电视销售管理工作直到1999年. 在他任职于广播行业期间,他管理/卖出了7000多万美元. His acting stage credits include: Detective Baylen in Glengarry Glen Ross (Blank Canvas Theatre); Turkle in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (Blank Canvas Theatre); Horse in The Full Monty (Weathervane Community Playhouse); Warren in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (Chagrin Valley Little Theatre); Far Away (The Cleveland Play House); actor/stage reading for Private Places (The Cleveland Play House); Carmen and The Elixir of Love (Cleveland Opera); TJ in Trees of Hope (Geauga Lyric Theatre); Roger in Streamers (University of Cincinnati); and Clay in Dutchman (University of Cincinnati). Film credits include Cherry (directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo); White Boy Rick (directed by Yann Demange); With This Ring ( directed by Nzingha Stewart); Criminal Activities (directed by Jackie Earle Haley); Draft Day ( directed by Ivan Reitman), Big Foot (Bob Gray Productions), 《365网站》(Brigid Krane/导演)和《365网站》(Bowling Green州立大学). Television and radio credits include: AT&T,克利夫兰印第安人和美国职业棒球大联盟制作公司,雷蒙德C配音人才. 皮尔斯(2001年克利夫兰市市长候选人),固特异轮胎橡胶公司., Kinetico, 2003年麦当劳/ESPN全美摇滚音乐节, Marathon Oil Co, and Remington Productions. Dr. 穆迪是两本书的作者:《365网站》(2016)和《英国365网站》 ?:《英国365网站》(2012),由列克星敦图书公司(Rowman and Littlefield的子公司)出版。. Dr. 穆迪是伊利湖学院传播学助理教授. He received his B.F.A in Broadcasting from the University of Cincinnati; M.A. in Radio/Television from Ohio University; PhD in America Culture Studies from Bowling Green State University. Dr. 穆迪还担任流行文化协会(PCA)的董事会主席。.